Insecure housing tenure in the United States has disproportionately harmed black and brown communities, leaving many in constant fear of eviction and displacement. Public and private actors have systematically excluded people of color from homeownership and intergenerational wealth-building. Green New Deal advocates argue that, in order to reframe housing as a right for all in the face of increased climate risks, we must explicitly address long-standing racial disparities. What does the fight for green, safe, and affordable housing entail? How can we unite movements against climate-induced and market-driven displacement?
Panel and discussion with:
Alex Ponte-Capellan & Noel Sanders, City Life/Vida Urbana
Tara Raghuveer, Kansas City Tenants
Davida Finger, Loyola University New Orleans
Balakrishnan Rajagopal, MIT DRAN
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